I use The Birkman Method to help people gain a better understanding of themselves and each other. 

The Birkman Method assesses motivation and perception to help individuals understand how their unique mindset impacts relationships, performance, and attitude.

Individual Effectiveness

One of the most powerful uses of Birkman is for personal development.

Birkman reports help you achieve a better understanding of how you act and react in certain situations, and when used with teams, this can help team members see how they can best work together.


  • Activities that you enjoy and motivate you in your work and personal life. You will naturally gravitate towards these.

  • What you need from other people and your environment to be satisfied and engaged.

  • Your typical behavior when your needs are met. These are your strengths and how others see you.

  • Your unproductive behavior when your needs are not met by others or your environment

Team Success

The Birkman Method assessment is the catalyst for each member of your team to consider how they can contribute to their team’s success.

In a group session, each person explores their personal results and deepens their understanding of others on their team.